Tuesday, December 30, 2008


When the season turns

A long overdue entry - I've finally found some time to revive my dormant blog.

The egrets have invaded our field, fast and furious! My last count was 29. From afar, these creatures resemble carelessly strewn plastic bags, indistinguishable if not for their nodding heads. Our field must seem like a fully stocked larder to them cos the hardworking birds seldom lift their snowy crowns, so intent they are on feasting.

How I love Novembers when the rain turns the field into a marsh, bane of all residents but much appreciated by the yearly flock of egrets.

Monday, December 1, 2008


How rare it is to have an American book out on the shelves in Singapore before the US!

I'm thrilled that Patricia Cornwell's latest novel, Scarpetta, is a cool tribute to the Scarpetta series that I grew up reading.