Sunday, June 20, 2010

Snapshots around town - Kallang River

It's true that when your friends get married, you barely see them, with or without their other halves. Which is probably one reason why I agreed, albeit rather reluctantly, to SX's demanding request. Please remember to photoshop my head off thanks.

Headed down to Brewerkz thinking that it will be relatively more empty cos of the location but a phone call reminded us that it was world cup season and there were large screens indoors and outdoors. Took a gamble and secured an outdoor seat which was pretty nice on a breezy evening. Was told by the football fan among us that it was Holland vs Japan that night hence the many Japs around us. Didn't stay long enough to hear the cheers.

Love the mirrored surface of the calm river and the darkening clouds at twilight. Imagined that I was staying in one of those riverside condos. Swoon. Remembered that the bridge holds significant memories for SX and WQ and the long stakeout we had to do on the night he decided to propose to her. Probably one of the most romantic places in Singapore, especially at sunset.

Ms Tan still doesn't have eyebags after screaming at all those kids!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Something to look forward to

Nothing but a Martha Stewart magazine could incite me to start blogging again on my lagging laptop. Nobody but the Americans will, and can successfully, devote a whole issue to their country's national day. Never have I felt more envious of the Americans who can have something to look forward to, summer that is.

Summer is when "the whole country starts living outdoors", where people kick off their shoes and sprawl on their lawns, when there's more sunshine (true), more laughter (maybe) and more time to spend with family and friends (really?). Summer means barbecues, kayaking at the lakes, campfires, Sunday socials, inflatable pools, sea shores, picnics, popsicles and walking barefooted in the garden. I like that the Americans have a shared mentality that summer is the time to relax and refresh and reconnect with your family and friends. Who can blame you for throwing your pen down to get some sunshine outside when the person next to you probably feels the same way?

It's not really the same here when "summer" just means more humid days, quicker tempers and drowsy afternoons in a freezing office. I can't even take enough leave to go for a real "summer vacation" (which to me means a one month or longer holiday). Do Singaporeans have the habit of delegating one part of the year to more leisurely pursuits? I cannot think of a particular time of the year where there is a collective change in our attitudes. Well at least students get to look forward to their June and December holidays or the 3-month university summer holidays (which I'm still deeply missing), but not for us working adults.