Sunday, October 10, 2010

More thanks

The sweet thing about having a slightly cheena bf is that he remembers strange Chinese dates - like today (10-10-10) - and I find a pretty kikki k card in my mailbox (with no postmark) even though he's miles away in GZ :) I wonder whether he bribed his mom/sisters to deliver it!

To round off my thanks to all my friends who have been so kind to me:

Thanks LKM, my soon-to-be ex-roomie for his pretty silver necklace. I guess it was a more appropriate gift than my request for a bikini from Bali!

I've thanked TJS and R previously but only managed to take a pic with them last Friday at Table 66. My smiley look belies how lightbulb-ish I was feeling when the pic was taken hahaha.

Thanks KM for the superb Truffs cake (the fudge covering was so gooey liquidy that I can see the reflection of the card in it!), the card and postcards, and ALL the presents you got me. I still can't decide which is my favourtiest! :)