Saturday, December 11, 2010

A little bit of sunshine

We've been having classic December weather so far - lots of cool wind and rain but thankfully, have not been caught in any downpour so please keep it that way!

Been appalled at how much I've been spending lately and I usually feel zilch guilt for acting out my material impulses. This time is just too much! The discounts everywhere are really not helping. Let's see, I have Papermarket's 40% off coupons and each time I buy more scrapbooking stuff, they chuck me with more of these fantastic coupons and it gets kind of addictive after awhile arrgh.

With all the paper I bought, managed to scrap a little in the few moments I have everyday after work. The Wander series of paper is perfect for my Italy pics. I think Italy is possibly the most sun-drenched place you can think of! All the sunshine, Tuscan villas, vineyards, rolling hills and coasts in the movies are really quite accurate!