Going to share a few of my layouts and an idea on how to sort out all the memorabilia (or junk as my parents call it!) you collect on holidays. Believe me, I have bags of bits and pieces salvaged from each trip and am always looking for ways to store them.
Diaso is simply unbeatable when it comes to variety and price. I always find myself cooking up some excuse to buy something when I'm there. These B5 size plastic files which students tote around are perfect to file away the odds and ends from each trip. Just fill it and snap it close - easy peasy! Makes for easy retrieval of this or that ticket stub when the need arises. In case I forget the places visited (very unlikely haha), I also stuck on this cute airmail sticker label (from Haji Lane) with the countries and year of visit. Voila!
Do I like Spain or Italy better? I can unabashedly say that I have a love affair with Italy but that does not mean that I don't like Spain! It's incredibly beautiful and have enough small towns and quaint streets to satisfy my wanderlust.
Casa Batllo - the first Gaudi masterpiece that we visited in Barca and probably my favourite. Was captivated to the extent that I half lost my senses and wanted to write something cheesy in the guest book like "I'm glad Gaudi existed or I won't get to see such an amazing house". Yikes right. Audio guides are a must and do set aside at least 2 or more hours to get a feel of the place. I really don't recommend going on a tour in places like Barca where you have to be prepared to put in some time to fully appreciate the beauty of a certain place. When I saw the BasicGrey mosaic paper below, knew that I had to scrap a Gaudi layout!
Barcelonata - also one of my favourite spots in Barca. We had good weather that day after a cloudy spell. It was pure sunshine, wind and blue skies. Love how the Spaniards enjoy their Sundays along the coast.
Cinque Terre - I can't stop scrapbooking Cinque Terre cos it's probably one of the most sublime places on earth. These were the pics we took at this little hilltop town of Volastra after hiking for a couple of hours before we lost our way trying to find the path down to Corniglia
Ok back to earth with some homely layouts. Pic of my dad and mom taken during new year. Backdrop: our moldy Chinese painting. Notice that this layout does not have any journaling? Designed it this way cos couldn't I think of a caption haha. But I added lots of journaling cards with printed words to make up for my erm, lack of words!
Finally, a layout on the female folks in my family. Not very glam pics so had to shrink them haha. I keep buying pink papers but don't know what to do with them!