Sunday, July 31, 2011

of sky and sea

My friend and I were discussing whether it's nicer to take wedding shots overseas or here. The downside of pictures taken locally is that most of them look the same cos there are only so many places you can go to get decent photos (like the extremely overshot Cavenagh Bridge near my office!). Admittedly I've seen some photoshoots which are taken locally but don't look local if you know what I mean. The downside of taking photos overseas is the hassel, $$$$ and tragic! if your pics don't look like they're taken overseas!

Was looking through my library of old pics and retrieved a few sea, sky and landscape shots taken through my trusty S90 in a foreign but not too foreign land. I think if you're the sort who fancies beach/resort photoshoots, Asia is a good bet!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I need a powernap too!

Choose the type of nap you wanna take. Is this the most brilliant idea or what??

Somebody please bring this to Singapore!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

red sky in the evening

The sky was aflamed an eerie ethereal red for several seconds this evening. A sign?