Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's getting warm again

 "Summer" in Singapore will be bearable if we didn't have to dress in suits and trudge to office everyday when our rightful! place is at beaches and pools. I wonder how the Americans/Europeans get to abandon their work and go for their long summer vacays.

I like to look to browse though my Japan pics and try to, vicariously, feel the cold December weather (which embarrassingly made me long for Singapore's balmy weather in a couple of freezing moments). How apt is the grass-is-greener adage!
For someone who has not experienced the joy of jumping in a pile of autumn leaves, I couldn't resist playing with the scattering of leaves along a walkway in Jingumae, one of my favourite areas in Tokyo.

Can anyone get tried of Disneyland?

A walk through Ginza after lunch at Tsukiji Fish Market.