Monday, August 18, 2014


Milan. Not my favourite city but unfortunately, the SQ flight there is a couple of hundreds cheaper than Rome.

I will always remember Milan as the start of my first solo trip; the place where I stumbled around in my jetlagged and semi-unwashed state after a 13 hour flight.

My top 10 moments were: 
(1) figuring out how to buy a local data card from Wind 
(2) popping into a supermarket in a more neighbourhoodly area 
(3) my extremely comfortable room 
(4) exploring the immense and impressive Milano Centrale 
(5) walking along the never-ending shopping streets and spotting the brands I like 
(6) walking through the park in the afternoon 
(7) having a cheese + prosciutto dinner alone opposite a cute guy 
(8) buying my first tea at the standing bar counter 
(9) taking my own time to explore the rooftops of the Duomo 
(10) talking to fellow tourists who were very amused with my selfie stick.

Always amazed by the Duomo's intricate Gothic facade.

Literally walking on the Duomo's roof!
Gorgeous intricacy up close.
The extremely walkable pedestrian avenues.
Couldn't resist a from-where-I-sit shot with the pretty spires.

A modern geleteria with one of the best gelatos I've tried this trip.

Yes, that can only be a drizzle of Nutella.
Sunshine and storm clouds?!

A most satisfying dinner.
Selfie in Bershka!

Hello there!

On a whim, I'm back to blogging again.

I suspect that this sudden burst of enthusiasm will not last (as usual), but I'm trying not to be too fussed about it. It comes and go and really, who needs more to-dos on their to-do lists?

I accessed my blog again today to show a friend at work some of my grad trip pictures of Germany and Amsterdam in 2008. Of course it didn't stop there and I scrolled through other blog posts throughout the year (I started this blog in 2007 seriously??). Bad idea perhaps as I am now lamenting my lost youth and sniggering at how some of my friends have also aged.

Then, it struck me that how wonderful this self-indulgent and exhibitionist little piece of webpage is. It is a time-capsule, a photo album, a journal; a glimpse into forgotten memories and the silly goose I was at age 23, or 21, or 26. I realised that this blog is not so much for my audience (if any), but for myself as a convenient and hopefully perpetual repository of the bits and pieces of my existence. Yes, those frivolous, fun, depressing, whinny, exciting moments.

I'm taking baby steps by sharing my 28-on-28 trip over the next few posts. Fingers crossed - it will work this time.