Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I don't believe this. The Dark Knight is ranked an all time No.1 on IMDb (9.3 stars)!! The rest of the movies on the top 10 list were made before the 1980s!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mad on movies

I was never a superhero fan but The Dark Knight (I like their juxtapose with the "white knight" ) is an indisputable FIVE STARS! I squirmed in my seat and wished for the movie to end, but only to relieve the unbearable excitement and thrill.

It's no surprise that readers are upset with Ong Sor Fen (Life reviewer) for awarding it a measly 3.5 stars while Hellboy II received a decent 4 stars from her. I suspect the that having Guillermo del Toro as the director earned Hellboy the additional half star as Ms Ong has a penchant for arty/indie directors and flicks.

Anyway watching movies is a cheap form of entertainment for now. It's 1-for-1 with any UOB credit card on certain days so The Dark Knight cost me an unbelievable $3.50.

On another note, I'm glad to see that Twilight fever has infected SX and Yivon. My wallpaper is... you guessed it!

The Heroes-looking group shot

My mom and I have been obsessively watching the trailers (extremely stingy) and commenting on the casting. I think Kristen Stewart (Panic Room) will make a good Bella but Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire) has very big shoes to fill as the supposedly perfect-looking Edward Cullen.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Commencement 2008"

Yes, that's the name of our convocation ceremony held at the University Cultural Centre. I couldn't help comparing Cui's convocation on the lush lawns of the U of T - most of my pics were taken indoors around the strategically placed potted flora.

Speaking of flowers, I was delighted to receive a sweet bunch of pink tulips from TR who surprised me with his presence! I recall complaining to Gill a few days before that NOBODY asked if I wanted balloons/teddy bears/flowers.

The air was charged with excitement, nervousness, haste and nowhere was it more palpable than the dressing room.

ZY using my mortar board as a very shaky camera stand

The photographers circled us like vultures and had a field day charging us $7 per pic! Purely my own fault for getting conned cos I couldn't resist buying all the pics with my face in it haha.

My parents, like so many others, were lost in the throng but I managed to accost them for some photo-taking. They badgered me to wear the horribly ill-fitting mortar board. Arggh!

The Law Fac is probably one of the few faculties where you know everyone at least by name (not very good if your reputation is less than squeaky clean). Here's some snapshots of the "folks who suffered for 4 years"...

Some of my favourite moments:

A massively coordinated and orchestrated pose... we were drenched in sweat after the first "1..2..3!"

With our good-natured and humorous Dean

Bing and I laughing maniacally at the camera

A surprise encounter with SY (who seems to grow prettier by the day (: )

Yiyang cajoling TR to take with us rather than for us

Taryn and I looking oh-so-natural

Our many attempts at hat-throwing

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The un-workaholics

The drudgery of being cocooned in an office is somewhat relieved by good company - supportive and crappable office companions who know when it's time to laugh, you should just go ahead and laugh out loud.

Privileged inhabitants of The Room...

Happy birthday to Wendy (thanks for all the pics!) .....

..... and JS (who looks refreshingly cute when he decides to open his eyes :P)

With JL, our desktop designer who custom made our wallpapers according to our preferences..

I hope ZY has figured out the contextual meaning of "smarmy"..

Yes, everyone gets a shot with the designer..

Friday, July 11, 2008

I covet...

Stephenie Meyer's final installment for the Twilight series - Breaking Dawn. I've waited one year for this and it had better be good. Yivon has sweetly helped me pre-order the book which arrives in Aug. Can't wait!

The apple/pecan/raisin crumble cake my mom baked. When it's warm and fresh out of the oven of course.

These whirling, kitschy, vintage toys from the Mint Museum of Toys... I finally got them as a gift!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ECP revisited

I felt free as a lark after we were released from work (it's been only 1.5 months and I feel exhausted). ECP never appeared so beautiful on a cloudy Sat afternoon...

Girls' day out. SX and I were both in HER fav colour for once!

A conscious effort to keep fit!

Bedok Jetty seems like a good spot for a breather and more photo-taking

The "Giselle" pose!

We were in the mood for silliness hence all these jumping shots that had us in stitches

SX and I looking positively unglam

Spot the difference between the pics!

Yivon's idea of synchronized jumping

Weird variations of star jumps!