Friday, July 11, 2008

I covet...

Stephenie Meyer's final installment for the Twilight series - Breaking Dawn. I've waited one year for this and it had better be good. Yivon has sweetly helped me pre-order the book which arrives in Aug. Can't wait!

The apple/pecan/raisin crumble cake my mom baked. When it's warm and fresh out of the oven of course.

These whirling, kitschy, vintage toys from the Mint Museum of Toys... I finally got them as a gift!


Anonymous said...

With this sudden spate of postings, I surmise that you must be really free.

Wai Han said...

yeah it feels good to not be in the air-con 10hrs a day. why are you interning your hols away?

Anonymous said...

Cos I've no life. If I wasn't interning I'd be at a public library, drinking coffee and reading my hols away, lol.