Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Hour @ Harry's

The title is rather misleading unless you read it literally - we spent a couple of happy hours there but nobody drank much booze despite the non-peak promotions. Are we teetotalers? I'm reminded of the drinking games and "dirty" secrets revealed during a gathering at Ying's house so the answer is NO.

Planning class outings require alot of tenacity, patience and SMSes. Usually it materialises only after several postponements. Thanks XX for assuming this rather unpopular post this round!

The fries are delicious! They're coated with some kind of very addictive seasoning that made us (actually just Des and I) craving for more.

I balk at the price of a half pint beer ($6 at happy hour rates). Was just look looking through my grad pics and re-discovered that a bottle of Hoegaarden was E1.39. Disgusting!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I just received 2 much appreciated cards from Cui and Mag, friends of mine in what I label as "long distance friendships (LDFs)".

LDF, unlike LDR ("long distance relationship"), works surprisingly well largely due to the lack of obligations (I
don't have to put up with them if I don't want to). My friendship with Cui and Mag exemplifies this.

Two summers ago, I flew 24 hours and stayed 1 month with Cui whom I have not seen for more than a year. On my part (hopefully on her's too), I did not feel any awkwardness associated with unfamiliarity or physical absence. The gaps in our lives apart from each other somehow seemed to fill themselves without much effort of both parties.

It was the same with Mag who returned to S'pore for a week after more than a year away. We lapsed naturally into our comfortable (expletives dominated!) companionship, talked about books and did what we love best, chilled.

The strange thing is I sometimes feel "closer" to my LDF friends than my stuck-here-in-S'pore friends. I guess we all make a greater effort to fulfil our "keep in touch" promises knowing how easy it is to slip away from each other's life.
And of course the best thing about LDFs is: they offer a good excuse to travel!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Red hair girl

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that Ponyo has invaded the work room and infiltrated the minds of both sexes and all races (even Sarita is singing "Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo....") The song is infectiously catchy (and irritating the hell out of Cynthia haha) but I think anybody will forgive our madness (childishness?) when they lay their eyes on the adorable goldfish/mermaid Hayao Miyazaki created. Only HM can condense friendship, family and environmental themes into this short animation. Love Studio Ghibli!

Saturday, January 3, 2009