Sunday, March 28, 2010

Whipping good fun

Caught Whip It with Y yesterday which was part funny, part heartwarming, part romantic, part kickass (no surprises, Drew Barrymore's debut movie which she directed) - all the successful elements for a inspiring chick flick set in the small Texan town of Bodeen.

The cast was unfamiliar other than Ellen Page (she rocks! spunky and totally adorable), Drew herself and the Home Alone robber - the thin guy who is now not so thin - who relinquishes his role as a baddie and is now the supportive dad.

It was only when the credits rolled that I saw Juliette Lewis' name and got a shock. Is this middle age ah lian the same sweet girl in Johnny Depp's and Leo DiCaprio's What's Eating Glibert's Grape?? Aging is scarrrry.

Juliette 17 years later...

* Want to see Johnny and Leo in action before they got famous? What's Eating Glibert's Grape is one of my fav Leo movies. He should have won the Oscar!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slim pickings

Totally in love with my slim Franny & Zooey paperback which fits snugly into my handbag and hardly weighs a mite! After all the Stephenie Meyers and Jodi Picoults, it's refreshing to read some JD Salinger, prose that makes you wanna savour every single word.

It's a bit like my craving for potato chips after too much chocolate.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

size v. bokeh

After days of agonizing over what model to get and burning late nights to read online reviews, I finally set my foot down for the Canon S90. Can't say I have completely no regrets giving the EOS 500 a miss but size, portability and inconspicuousness weighed heavily in the S90's favour.

Still. Look at the pics we took with M's EOS 450 last Saturday at PS Cafe and Barracks. Fiddled around with the dials and knobs and voila! bokeh pictures appear effortlessly!

Sigh, will master one before I spend on the other.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

greening - part I

Been extra eco-conscious lately all thanks to The Haze and the Nat Geo article I'm reading about the usual suspects of global warming - oil and coal. After reading a a few issues of Nat Geo, you'll realised that the same topics keep cropping up - Hubble telescope, conservation of energy, discovery of ancient artifacts, end of cheap oil, Iran / Serbia / Russia / Iraq... Not complaining. I'm grateful for the updates as I've discovered that the truism - change is the only constant - is, well, quite true.

Enough waffling. My first baby step to saving the earth is to go paperless for my SingTel bills. After a tedious online application, I've finally activated my e-billing account and all my bills now arrive in PDF files for easy viewing. One gripe: I don't see why I have to pay $0.53 should I request for a hard copy of my bill now that I'm under the e-billing system. I suppose it's to prevent those people who feel that they are entitled to both.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Haze

The night sky's on fire and it's not the red tinge of comforting rain clouds but The Haze which has trapped the day's heat and our city's lights, creating an impenetrable yet invisible barrier between space and earth. The stars that I've taken for granted every night have been blotted out by The Haze, which seems to be emitting some sort of eerie red glow.

Has it every been this bad? I don't remember constantly inhaling smoke and now I find myself unconsciously holding my breath - must be my body's natural defence mechanism against weird things in the air. Somehow it is no longer such a bad idea to be holed up in the office.