Sunday, March 28, 2010

Whipping good fun

Caught Whip It with Y yesterday which was part funny, part heartwarming, part romantic, part kickass (no surprises, Drew Barrymore's debut movie which she directed) - all the successful elements for a inspiring chick flick set in the small Texan town of Bodeen.

The cast was unfamiliar other than Ellen Page (she rocks! spunky and totally adorable), Drew herself and the Home Alone robber - the thin guy who is now not so thin - who relinquishes his role as a baddie and is now the supportive dad.

It was only when the credits rolled that I saw Juliette Lewis' name and got a shock. Is this middle age ah lian the same sweet girl in Johnny Depp's and Leo DiCaprio's What's Eating Glibert's Grape?? Aging is scarrrry.

Juliette 17 years later...

* Want to see Johnny and Leo in action before they got famous? What's Eating Glibert's Grape is one of my fav Leo movies. He should have won the Oscar!

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