Sunday, September 12, 2010

Snapshots of Europe

I understand why they say that September is the best time to travel - the crowd of summer has dispersed, the weather is still warm but you can feel the autumn winds sneaking in occasionally. How nice is that sigh.

The only travel I did this month was our annual family getaway at our favourite villa in Bintan (which was a very timely retreat), more of that later. However, was still dreaming of my trip to Italy/France a few months back (it seems so long ago!) so I tried to recapture some of the memories on paper, what else.

Florence - It rained almost non-stop the 3 days we were there but you know how the rule of inverse proportion works in such instances - the wettier it is, the less crowded it gets. Piazzale Michelangelo looks dreamily surreal that day, I appreciated it much more than the last time I visited it in sunny weather. But, the romp in the rain was probably the reason why TR had to cold sponge me that whole night.

Cinque Terre - a slice of heaven on earth. I can't say anything more, you have to visit it to know what I mean.

Paris on a too hot day. We did the obligatory Eiffel shots. Not saying that I did not enjoy it, finding a nice spot and sprawling on the grass is probably one of my fav things to do overseas. Nothing much has changed on the Left Bank (except us arrgh) as you can see in the picture below which was taken 2 years ago at around the same time.

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