Monday, March 14, 2011

White Day

Guess what's White Day? All I can think of is Shiseido's White Day where they give out White Lucent freebies haha. Apparently, it's a celebration in Japan/S. Korea where the guys reciprocate the gifts they received from girls on V-Day. I think it's just a convenient excuse cooked up by guys who are guilty for forgetting/neglecting/ignoring V-Day.

Anyway, was excitedly surprised to receive a call from recep saying that I have some flowers for me! Not that I can't guess who they were from haha but still, have I mentioned that I'm a sucker for presents and surprises?? Even though I don't think I really deserve flowers and dinner at Pierside cos all I got for TR for V-day was a Malcolm Gladwell book and dinner at The Black Sheep Cafe (and that wasn't even on V-day itself).

I asked him, why White Day? He said that he's very "ha-re" (I take it to mean that he likes Jap stuff). That said, at least he remembers that I only like red roses (none of the pink stuff!).

Very nice alfresco dining

I really like the fresh take on maguro sashimi - with a seaweed tampura skin

Braised beef cheeks with buttery risotto

Definitely my fav dish for tonight - sauteed potatoes in duck fat. SINFUL!

Juicy king prawns with rosti

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why I wanna go to Toronto again

Nutella filled donut balls from Where else can you find donut balls on every street!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Last year's family vacation

Since I'm in the mood (and partly to delay going to bed cos it brings work the next day closer sigh), I shall put up some pictures of our family vacation to the relatively fuss-free Bintan Lagoon last year. It's really all thanks to my aunt's meticulous planning that everything goes so smoothly each year that we head there. The only unexpected incident this year was the (fatal) visit of a disgustingly enormous centipede.

Sunday, March 6, 2011