Monday, March 14, 2011

White Day

Guess what's White Day? All I can think of is Shiseido's White Day where they give out White Lucent freebies haha. Apparently, it's a celebration in Japan/S. Korea where the guys reciprocate the gifts they received from girls on V-Day. I think it's just a convenient excuse cooked up by guys who are guilty for forgetting/neglecting/ignoring V-Day.

Anyway, was excitedly surprised to receive a call from recep saying that I have some flowers for me! Not that I can't guess who they were from haha but still, have I mentioned that I'm a sucker for presents and surprises?? Even though I don't think I really deserve flowers and dinner at Pierside cos all I got for TR for V-day was a Malcolm Gladwell book and dinner at The Black Sheep Cafe (and that wasn't even on V-day itself).

I asked him, why White Day? He said that he's very "ha-re" (I take it to mean that he likes Jap stuff). That said, at least he remembers that I only like red roses (none of the pink stuff!).

Very nice alfresco dining

I really like the fresh take on maguro sashimi - with a seaweed tampura skin

Braised beef cheeks with buttery risotto

Definitely my fav dish for tonight - sauteed potatoes in duck fat. SINFUL!

Juicy king prawns with rosti


Anonymous said...

I say that white day is more like a day cooked up by girls to receive more presents!


Anonymous said...

Fwah. I have to say TR is romantic! (I bet SH doesn't even know what's White Day. Sigh.)
Count yourself lucky, Miss Wong!
