Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost 26

It is mid-September and I have not even done my yearly "September is fantastic" post. I hate how time slips by uncontrollably and my favourite month is half over before I can even feel the Septemberness of it. Sadly enough, the lantern festival also whizzed by despite my promise to myself last year that I will carry a lantern and wander around in a silly state of nothing.

I think while my peers are heading in the direction of settledness, my life is in a flux, unraveling a little at its seams, unrestful and eye-baggy. Live it or lump it I guess. My bday wish is to find a "circle of quiet" which seems impossibly difficult here. I like this description by Madeleine L'Engle "My special place is a small brook in a green glade, a circle of quiet from which there is no visible sign of human beings". I think the Isle of Sark (and it's Dark SkyAward) fits the bill!

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