Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hello Saturday!

Hi again. Thought I'll blog abit more since I'm in the mood and I have abit of time before rushing off for more packing.

My bro's pitcher plant looks absolutely monstrous now. See the new pitcher that sprouted in the pic; it's almost 20cm???

Received a delightful surprise from Yivon through the mail! Love :) She sent it before jetting off to Turkey (jealous!) and probably cos she thought her friend here needed some cheering up for abandoning her grand plans to hold a full blown Martha Steward fashion Halloween party.

Here are a couple of layouts I did with group pics. The one with my whole family took forever to complete and is definitely more "handmade" - I misted, painted, embossed and sewed. Not very skillful with thread and needles as you can see.

Love Saturdays for its endless possibilities :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

travel + food

Hello again blog.

We're having a spate of good (= cool) weather and today was just perfect. Sunny and cloudy and windy if you can imagine all three happening at the same time.

But what roused me from my blog hiatus was not the weather, but October's Nat Geo Traveller! I simply CANNOT resist picking up a new issue even though I'm lagging behind SEVERAL issues and this month's is one of the best. Special issue featuring travel + food. Perfecto! Just whet your appetite and satisfy your wanderlust by getting a copy.

Travel + food is probably one of my biggest indulgence. I don't mind splurging on food when I travel (within a reasonable limit of cos but don't ask me what's reasonable - it depends) cos good food + nice place = seventh heaven (and makes me less grumpy).

Singapore has a yawn mention in this issue - the Long Bar at the Raffles Hotel where the first Singapore Sling was created. Aside from that, this issue is packed with yummylicious photos, a pure visual feast that makes me wanna book a ticket up north now!

Anyway, I was excited to discover that out of the 4 "Europe's age-old food bazaars" featured, I visited 3 and probably walked by 1!

Naschmarkt in Vienna. Large pasar malam-ish open air market. Think I tasted my first Italian proscuitto there when Gill bought a few slices. Visited during grad trip 2008. Need Gill to verify this is the place, don't think TR remembers hahaha. We looked like total newbs!

Cours Saleya in Nice. Definitely remember hurrying through this place in 2005 with my family on our Italy-France tour. One major reason why I'll not join tour groups again if possible. Very quaint little bazaar selling alot of vintage and antiques. I bought a few little figurines of saints erm, for fun. Oh gosh, it's hilarious looking through old UNGLAM pics!!!

Rialto Markets in Venice. We didn't visit the markets near the Rialto Bridge but they definitely have to be somewhere nearby. Venice really stood out for me - one day freezing, the next day scorching. And look at that super boy-band looking photo of TR we took on the vaporetta! Hahahaha. Don't kill me!

Boqueria Mercat in Barcelona. This place is good, good enough for us to go back 3 days in a row and for me to dedicate one whole blog post to it. Apparently the famous stuff are the salt cod croquettes and espresso with steam milk. We didn't try the cod croquettes there, but we had some of the freshest prawns ever and kept going back everyday for the xuxos! KM had the espresso thingy in a cute little glass and I had hot chocolate milk right out of the bottle!

Arrgh back to work tmr but at least I had a blissful hour reminiscing.