Friday, December 16, 2011

Fresh picks for Dec

For someone who professes to be abit of a greenie, who loves trees and plants and all things green, who is pained and pissed at how they sawed and uprooted all the mature trees in the carpark, who tries to be little more environmentally aware - I am oddly obsessed with paper. Which probably explains the monthly income drain on books, magazines, scrapbook products, notebooks.

Had a couple of interesting reads recently. One is purportedly written for children but I think it is quite readable for someone older as well. I was attracted by the cover, the unique way which the author (who is apparently a travel writer) weaves pictures into the story. It was a very spooky and intriguing start but after the mystery is resolved at an early stage (and the spookiness gets explained away), it descends into a fantasy / adventure story (reminds me very much of the TV series Heroes) which doesn't quite get fleshed out along the way, but still makes a passably gripping read. I can totally see this book being turned into a movie!

The other book I read cannot be more different. It has an eye-catching lime green cover with a simple sketch of a shop house in front and is essentially a non-fiction trivia on Singapore. Though I don't usually buy books on Singapore, the writing in this is short and funny, and I think it makes a perfect gift exchange when you travel.

Can't open my inbox to get a pic of the book, will upload later!

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