Sunday, April 8, 2012


I was surprised, excited, delighted, absolutely excited when I chanced upon a copy of Nylon at the 7-Eleven near my house. Not any Nylon but Nylon SINGAPORE!! Woohoo, we're finally getting there! Never thought we would be cool enough to join the Nylon gang. I love it that the style and typeset of the magazine remains the same (lots of graphics and drawings) as its US sister but the content is more relevant now since the references are local. Here's a rather unglam pic of me holding the inaugural issue:

Had another kind of heart-pumping-blood-rushing surprise last week when I saw the cover page of MyPaper announcing that Tokyo ramen stall Menya Musahi has opened a branch in Raffles City. Sounds familiar...sounds familiar... then it struck that it was the one and only ramen stall that I visited in Tokyo at the recommendation of my colleague! Finally tried the original of something before it got transplanted here though we took almost an hour and lots of guesswork before locating the stall (even then, we were unsure that it was the stall until a kind Jap guy confirmed it haha).

Was reminded how brilliant the Artemis Fowl series are and how much I like it when I borrowed the latest book from my cousin. I have all the books except the latest one, having stubbornly refused to buy it at a whopping price of $30 for a paperback. Eoin Colfer is underrated I feel, his writing is sharp, witty and humourous - I'm not even sure kids will actually get some of his jibes. I would even go so far to say that Artemis Fowl is a perhaps a little more thrilling and imaginative than Harry Potter. Both involve magic, one is charming, the other mind-blowing. Highly recommended, I love his writing style.

Am glad to have snatches of time to update my blog again.

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