Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Early bday wishes

September always seems like thanksgiving for me where I am especially grateful for the people and things around me.

Received a very sweet and whimsical card from Cui (to my scrapbooking heart's delight) and my first thought after reading her message was: it's hard to believe we've known  (and put up with) each other for so long. 

Had an early bday dinner with gfs so that we could catch SX before she popped but her darling little prince E decided to grace us with his arrival 2 weeks earlier! Here's some snapshots I got of the proud mama and papa with baby E. Time for the daddy to take more pics of mom and baby please!

Hands down the cutest present I will get this year :) Can anyone actually bear to eat up little red riding hood and her big bad wolf?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

First day

I seem to be the slightest bit obsessed with the seasons (maybe cos I'm deprived of it?)

Anyway, it's the first day of September! I always have a soft spot for this beautiful month, not least because it's ahem my bday month, as it heralds the start of autumn. Some people might say that it's still summer (yes global warming); I wouldn't know cos it doesn't change much here. But, the nights do feel a little cooler and the days end a little earlier and I can almost feel the year, very slowly, winding down...

Unfortunately, back to more drudgery (work) with a pic to remind me of better days!