Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Not goodbye forever

Our Sisterhood of Guiding Friends (lame but totally apt name) is shrinking as another one of us left for the lofty(?) pursuit of education. This means that my circle of close friends has shrunk too (the picture of a polar bear standing on a melting ice floe - global warming is happening despite all the controversy - comes to mind). So there's Cui further north and Mag down south and now Yiwei.

Yiwei who has always been there, the sane and comforting presence in my not so sane life. It was nice to see the swarm of people who came to see her off. Amidst tears of farewell, I was glad that she had the guts to uproot herself.

Lunch at Waraku (Yiwei's fav) followed by sticky chewy choc ice-cream

Fond farewells and a time to meet up

All of us

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