Wednesday, November 7, 2007


It's a rather belated post but I just hafta blog about how extra sweet Yixian looks in the dress Nic and Jiawen chose for her. I foresee that she'll be wearing dresses a teeny bit more often now...

We headed out to the East and celebrated Joseph's and Yixian's bdays. I'll say it again: East is the BEST! For food especially. So it was at Siglap's
Werner's that we spent our night relishing good old German bangers and mash.

Believe it or not, it was the first time I ate pork knuckles (what a late discovery!) Getting past the crispy skin and centimeters deep of solid lard (looks ickly like candle wax), the meat lurking underneath was tender and totally addictive. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw ZQ savouring skin, FAT, meat and all. But I have to admit that the crispy skin is sinfully yummy.

Of course there's always space for desserts so we popped into
Gelare across the road (that's the beauty of Siglap. everything is just round the corner) and had half-price waffles and ice-cream. I love Tuesdays! Though I remember hating them once for making me sad hur hur.

Trooped to Yixian's house for a few rounds of Nintendo Wii (her house reminds me of the CC where everyone gathers for fun and work). A pity I missed the boxing part!

Speaking of birthdays, I found a perfect prezzie for Des or at least I'm sure he will love it. Just that it'll blow a hole in my pocket to ship it over.

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