Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Commencement 2008"

Yes, that's the name of our convocation ceremony held at the University Cultural Centre. I couldn't help comparing Cui's convocation on the lush lawns of the U of T - most of my pics were taken indoors around the strategically placed potted flora.

Speaking of flowers, I was delighted to receive a sweet bunch of pink tulips from TR who surprised me with his presence! I recall complaining to Gill a few days before that NOBODY asked if I wanted balloons/teddy bears/flowers.

The air was charged with excitement, nervousness, haste and nowhere was it more palpable than the dressing room.

ZY using my mortar board as a very shaky camera stand

The photographers circled us like vultures and had a field day charging us $7 per pic! Purely my own fault for getting conned cos I couldn't resist buying all the pics with my face in it haha.

My parents, like so many others, were lost in the throng but I managed to accost them for some photo-taking. They badgered me to wear the horribly ill-fitting mortar board. Arggh!

The Law Fac is probably one of the few faculties where you know everyone at least by name (not very good if your reputation is less than squeaky clean). Here's some snapshots of the "folks who suffered for 4 years"...

Some of my favourite moments:

A massively coordinated and orchestrated pose... we were drenched in sweat after the first "1..2..3!"

With our good-natured and humorous Dean

Bing and I laughing maniacally at the camera

A surprise encounter with SY (who seems to grow prettier by the day (: )

Yiyang cajoling TR to take with us rather than for us

Taryn and I looking oh-so-natural

Our many attempts at hat-throwing


Anonymous said...

hey waihan, congrats on your graduation and hope to catch up soon!


Wai Han said...

Thanks Carynl!