Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ECP revisited

I felt free as a lark after we were released from work (it's been only 1.5 months and I feel exhausted). ECP never appeared so beautiful on a cloudy Sat afternoon...

Girls' day out. SX and I were both in HER fav colour for once!

A conscious effort to keep fit!

Bedok Jetty seems like a good spot for a breather and more photo-taking

The "Giselle" pose!

We were in the mood for silliness hence all these jumping shots that had us in stitches

SX and I looking positively unglam

Spot the difference between the pics!

Yivon's idea of synchronized jumping

Weird variations of star jumps!


Anonymous said...

OMG da pics looks horrendously funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhh our super unglam pics... we all looked like MEDUSA.... kaoz......


Wai Han said...

hahaha only YOU look like medusa lor with your hair :P

Anonymous said...

Omg omg I couldn't stop laughing while looking at the pics! Shuxin ur poses were ultra funny!!! I laughed til I teared. Btw whats with my fat revealing tummy. Gua gua. -_-


Wai Han said...

where got tummy??? SX is hilarious. Must make her jump more next time!