Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mad on movies

I was never a superhero fan but The Dark Knight (I like their juxtapose with the "white knight" ) is an indisputable FIVE STARS! I squirmed in my seat and wished for the movie to end, but only to relieve the unbearable excitement and thrill.

It's no surprise that readers are upset with Ong Sor Fen (Life reviewer) for awarding it a measly 3.5 stars while Hellboy II received a decent 4 stars from her. I suspect the that having Guillermo del Toro as the director earned Hellboy the additional half star as Ms Ong has a penchant for arty/indie directors and flicks.

Anyway watching movies is a cheap form of entertainment for now. It's 1-for-1 with any UOB credit card on certain days so The Dark Knight cost me an unbelievable $3.50.

On another note, I'm glad to see that Twilight fever has infected SX and Yivon. My wallpaper is... you guessed it!

The Heroes-looking group shot

My mom and I have been obsessively watching the trailers (extremely stingy) and commenting on the casting. I think Kristen Stewart (Panic Room) will make a good Bella but Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire) has very big shoes to fill as the supposedly perfect-looking Edward Cullen.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I have been like searching for more snippets of da movie (much to ma disappointment of cos!)And i feel that Robert Pattinson suits this role! Before I knew who was acting as edward, I was discussing with ma sis that "Cedric Diggory" would suit da role as edward!!! We were right on! MUHAHAHA!


Wai Han said...

how did you even think of that Robert guy??? I barely remember that he existed haha.

Anonymous said...

Of cos i rem him la.. Don't u think he is so cute when he acted Cedric Diggory????