Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One last glimpse

I'm forever thankful that I dragged myself out of bed to go for the Legal Legacies tour. Unknown to us, this will be the last time the old Supreme Court is opened to the public before it is transformed into a surprise surprise: art museum.

The tour was humorously interactive with role-playing and all that touristy sort of stuff. Hopefully it'll be the last time I am in the position of the accused!

The mata rounding up the accused

The accused has to walk through this intimidating door

A cell and a hole-in-the-ground

Guess why the flush has to be outside?

Happy captives!

Rescue us!

A desperate accused seeking help from his sympathetic lawyer

Stairs leading to the court of appeal

On the stand

Awaiting sentence

Passing judgment

Our only chance to be on those chairs

Can anyone bear to charge her??

The antiquated lift

The CJ's chambers and his attendant

Wooden panels hide the dome

The "grand staircase"

The scale of things

This reminds me of Anastasia dancing in the old ballroom. Guess what the tiles are made of? Rubber!

The famous Corinthian pillars

Looking ahead to what the future holds

I love the old court for its European grandeur, its musty smell, its dim interior, its wooden furniture, its faded opulence and its tinge of hauntedness!


Anonymous said...

why must the flush be outside?

Wai Han said...

so that they won't try to kill themselves with the chain!

Anonymous said...

the same effect could still be achieved by drowning themselves in the wc.

Wai Han said...

that's GROSS.