Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 5 - Oberammergau

I'll never finish blogging about my grad trip at this rate but I'm adamant in keeping some kind of journal since it's unlikely I'll print the photos anytime soon!

Day 5 is one of my fav days. We signed up for a one-day tour with STA in Singapore which brought us out of Munich to the Bavarian mountains (Gill and I had a minor argument whether to take the tour or not hahaha).

The gorgeous scenery viewed from our bus! The guide is a portly old man who, upon hearing that we're Singaporeans, said that we spoke good English and needed no headphones.

Green, yellow and blue - the colours of nature!

3 different shades.

Schloss Linderhof - Gill's fav castle (and King Ludwig II's extravagant holiday home for that matter!) This is one of the smallest and grandest palaces I've ever seen. The interior was done up in a dazzling Rococo/Baroque style but unfortunately no pictures were allowed inside.

Lush palace gardens and elaborate fountains (Neptune and his sea horses).

Another gold gilded fountain. We were told that King Ludwig enjoyed building castles more than managing his country!

Oberammergau was not our main stop but it's the dearest little town I've ever seen! The only dwelling houses seem to be quaint wooden cottages which had us all oohing and ahhing. It's souvenirs galore there and we just had to skip lunch for it! TR bought a pair of musical dolls and I bought a porcelain one (which became really troublesome to lug around later -_-).

Spotted: another pretty cottage.

Oberammergau is famous for its buildings with beautiful hand painted murals. Guess which fairytale this picture depicts? Clue: "what big eyes you have grandma!"

This biblical tableaux is one of the many murals depicting scenes from the bible.

A piece of blue sky.

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