Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Guess who?

Cui sent me this modified pic of myself below which I found very cool.

It piqued my interest so I got the website from her. Got totally carried away embellishing pics of other people. Hahaha I'm not trying to sabo anybody. Just that I took some passport pics of TR the other day which came in very handy... :D

quite a cute pirate actually :)

OMG! He looks like Qi Yiwu!

at least I can afford this Warhol

hahaha his dream come true!

now he looks like that Thai actor with long hair

all over Giselle!

we took this at Vivo remember?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

knowing me

How do you get people to "get it" when they don't get it? Doesn't the fact that I have to explain what "get it" means and what it entails suggests that the other party doesn't get it?

And what is a good gauge on how well a person knows you?

When a person understands your moods and knows when you don't mean some things you say. When a person buys you a packet of Spirited Away bookmarks when she is browsing at a Pasar Malam. When a person drops you a message at the right time. When someone writes you a note on pretty paper. When someone ships you a scrapbooking album for your bday. When someone buys you the chocolate pie because she remembers you saying you like it. When someone knows when to say something comforting. When someone knows when you need to hear his voice, and calls. When someone lends you a book you like. When someone buys you frivolous stickers. When someone brings you to a concert you've been hankering to go. When a person spends lazy Sundays with you. When someone cares about the unimportant things you care so much about.

Words are all very well but action speaks louder than words sometimes.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Long distance

Received a call out of the blue at 1pm a couple of days ago.

It was Mag calling from Aust asking me: "What is the plural of fish?" I couldn't believe my ears. And I couldn't believe that she would call me for such erm, frivolous stuff! I have crazy friends haha. That said, it was nice to hear her voice again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

happy family

"Consider the four wives: Mama, Mekome, Beatrice and Ugly. Mama may be the bossy matriarch, but Mekome is Big Daddy's favourite, and everyone knows it. Beatrice, big-hearted and benevolent, cheerfully ignores it all. And Ugly is asocial, avoiding the entire family. Each mother is hell-bent on protecting and promoting her own offspring. Mama and Mekome have little boys, Kusu and Ekendy, boon companions constantly up to mischief. Beatrice and Ugly have newborns, wide-eyed Gentil and long-limbed Bomo, and carry them everywhere."

Aren't gorillas endearing?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Twiggies, also known as Twinkle, is an old-fashioned sponge finger filled with choc or vanilla cream.

It comes individually wrapped and is the size of a small banana. NS men will remember it as a night snack. The sponge is a little dry and the cream is stingy BUT,

Oh it's so chocolaty and cute (Mr Twiggies - looking like Banana In Pyjamas - singing "Anytime is Twiggies time!") that I'm completely addicted to it!

By the way, Twiggies are made with unhydrogenated vegetable shortening - how they unhydrogenate shortening, I really do not know.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Becoming MS

I adore the Kate Spade "Occasion" book Gill gave me for my 23rd - a (calculated?) move to bring our the inner Martha Stewart in me. Dare I say I might actually like the book better than the bags? It's witty, informative and filled with whimsical watercolour drawings!

I first saw the range of books ("Occasion", "Manners" and "Style") in the library many years ago. I remember badgering my mom to get them for me but to no avail apparently. I must have pointed it out (hinted blatantly) to Gill each time we pass the Kate Spade shop in Raffles City and she was kind enough to remember hahaha.

We had dinner at Charcoal - a restaurant run by overly eager to please Shatec students. Despite the negative inference from the word "students", the food is good and I didn't feel like a guinea pig. I like their reasonable 4-course set meals and fluffy bread rolls with butter. No doubt the best thing is the absence of a crowd on a Saturday evening.