Monday, November 30, 2009

♥ in the air

It was a novel experience, at least for me, to attend a solemnization up in the air! I like how swaths of ribbons, fresh flowers, candles and strategic lighting transformed the otherwise stark capsule into a romantic and cosy chamber for the exchange of vows. I like how roses were stuffed into little glass pots dangling from the ceiling, held in place by ribbons. I like how magical it felt to be at the apex at sunset and hear the couple say "I do" (Ian, exhilaratingly; Carol, blushingly).

We were ushered to a special guest lounge upon arrival where we met the busy couple (who were too busy to even take pictures), their relatives and friends. While waiting to board the capsule, we gravitated towards the beautiful weather outside and had fabulous fun posing against the backdrop of Marina Bay. Thanks SW for uploading the pics!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I spy

Dad saw the Air Force One parked at the Paya Lebar Airbase some distance away. Hence the flurry of activities as we whipped out our binoculars, tripods, cameras and telescope (yes, a telescope!) to catch a glimpse of the famous plane with the US flag on its tail and the "United States of America" inscribed on its body. What a way to spend a Sunday morning!

through a bino.

darling egrets!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ian ♥ Carol

Thought I was going to be late for C's solemnization on Sat but TR managed to rush me there in time phew. Vowed to myself that I won't risk being late again for anything but don't know how I long I can keep my promise (probably only till tomorrow since I hardly reach the office on time haha).

SW is supposed to send me the pics we took with her Canon prosumer cam but unlikely I will get it anytime soon sigh. I've never seen such an ardent Canon fan! Here are some sneaks:

Ian looking positively delighted...he was beaming like the proud hubby the whole night :)

forever grateful to the man who rushed me there in time :P

an excited cousin!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

When October Ends

The egrets are back! And hence begins my yearly obsession with these lovely creatures who grace me with their presence whenever the wet season comes pouring by. So far, I can only see a few white splodges in the green field. But I'm hopefully that more of them will pop by.

While September is all golden, orange and red, November is a deep velvety brown and forest green. I love November, maybe because it appears to me to be the start of autumn.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekend $plurge

Exhausted and feeling a little green with guilt after the massive weekend shopping spree the last couple of days. TR patiently followed me as I scrambled madly from Orchard to Haji Lane and back to Orchard again. But I'm feeling rather pleased cos...

(1) Dutifully fulfilled the gentle requests of the brides (Carol: formal, no white; Julia: cream or champagne; SX: pink or white) and found 3 dresses that satisfy their requirements and my vanity.

(2) Defrayed the costs with vouchers!

(3) Had the chance to taste freshly baked choc wassants.

(4) Got pretty scrapbooking papers at 25% off (kindly sponsored by TR after he saw how much $$$ I've signed away).

(5) Got a Tangs card.

I have to say that I love having an excuse to shop for new clothes :)