Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ian ♥ Carol

Thought I was going to be late for C's solemnization on Sat but TR managed to rush me there in time phew. Vowed to myself that I won't risk being late again for anything but don't know how I long I can keep my promise (probably only till tomorrow since I hardly reach the office on time haha).

SW is supposed to send me the pics we took with her Canon prosumer cam but unlikely I will get it anytime soon sigh. I've never seen such an ardent Canon fan! Here are some sneaks:

Ian looking positively delighted...he was beaming like the proud hubby the whole night :)

forever grateful to the man who rushed me there in time :P

an excited cousin!


Cui said...

You call TR man. So funny.

Wai Han said...

haha "man" sounds more heroic!