Monday, November 30, 2009

♥ in the air

It was a novel experience, at least for me, to attend a solemnization up in the air! I like how swaths of ribbons, fresh flowers, candles and strategic lighting transformed the otherwise stark capsule into a romantic and cosy chamber for the exchange of vows. I like how roses were stuffed into little glass pots dangling from the ceiling, held in place by ribbons. I like how magical it felt to be at the apex at sunset and hear the couple say "I do" (Ian, exhilaratingly; Carol, blushingly).

We were ushered to a special guest lounge upon arrival where we met the busy couple (who were too busy to even take pictures), their relatives and friends. While waiting to board the capsule, we gravitated towards the beautiful weather outside and had fabulous fun posing against the backdrop of Marina Bay. Thanks SW for uploading the pics!

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