Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sleepy Saturday

Can finally relax abit now that trial's over so TR and I decided to visit the Body World exhibition at the Science Centre before it ends in March. I must admit that Cui is right - once is enough. The plastinated bodies all look similar after a while which is not very surprising since humans are pretty much the same inside right?

We caught an Imax documentary too (Under the Sea) and despite Jim Carrey's pleasant voiceover in the background and an upbeat soundtrack, I dozed off for the better part of the show but woke up in time to see the Great White circling above me on the oversized screen. Don't think I'll ever tire of watching Imax shows or any movies for that matter!

In the spirit of more lazing around, TR drove us to the Riders Cafe at Fairways Drive for afternoon tea where we got stuffed on tortillas and guacamole (one of the rare times where I found avocado appealing), scones and fries. We realised a little too late that our meal is not exactly diet friendly =/

Riders Cafe certainly lives up to its reputation as a laid-back, slightly rustic cafe which serves relatively nice food amidst the lush greenery of a riding club. I'm glad they decided to open it to the public (saw a couple of law friends there).

TR was suffering from a bout of surfeit (quite rare haha) so we wandered around the area, soaking in the sunshine and all the green goodness around. Closest we can get to Pandora, I think. Restful :)

inside the colonial style Riders Cafe

iphone addict!

pretty "birdcages" which reminds me of the scene in The Sound of Music where Liesl danced with Rolf...

Hmmm... TR looks rather cute in close-up shots

yes, I'm posing!

man and horse

the first thing that came to mind when I saw this tree was the movie Big Fish!

Random: TR said my hair looks nicer and bouncier in HK. I agree! Totally hate our humid weather which frizzes my hair =(

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