Gill finally gave me my bday prezzie and it's The Sartorialist picture book! It's one of those books that I would love to have but wouldn't splurge on (cos there's a free website!) so here's an example of what friends are for :) The book was a bit skewed towards man's fashion but the pictures, people and places are gorgeous nonetheless. Felt a little depressed after seeing all the beautifully dressed people though and wondered why it's so so so different here. I really think the weather's a big contributing factor - how do you do stockings and layers here? Or many it's just that nobody cares that much.
HMV sells the cheapest books. Strange place to buy books but was very glad that I discovered it. Their selection is nonexistently small but they have some of the latest titles (The Time Traveller's Wife, The Beach) at 2 for $20! Was delighted to find Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction and spent many happy hours with my fav Brit boy. He's older, so am I. The best thing is, the book is part of the Penguin Celebrations collection which is candy-colour coded according to genre! Yum, don't you think they look nice enough to eat??
I can tell that you've read too many legal textbooks from your use of the term "contributing factor". "Contributing" merely asserts relevance in the particular context. It's just "factor" when no one's gonna challenge its relevance or weight on the de minimus principle.
Btw, The Beach ah, was published in the mid 1990s. :P
Yes i know when it's published. was nv interested in it until Leo!
I have no idea what you are talking about again when you start speaking legalistically!!
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