Monday, April 4, 2011

In the mood for colours

Just a short update on my scrapping endeavours! Noticed that my layouts are all rather colourful lately - it's the spring bug! The explosion of colours everywhere simply lifts my heart. I've got a sinking suspicion that the spring trends (for clothes and scrapbooking!) has busted my erm, half-yearly budget (if I have one)! Scrapbooking is one confusing and contradictory word really. While it professes to use scrap, it's definitely not cheap nor dingy. While it's suppose to be a book, it's more of a collection of individual layouts.

Here's a layout I gave TR for his birthday (just so you know, I scraplifted most of the layouts but tweaked it a little here and there). I finished it surprisingly quickly cos I happened to have the matching colours and embellishment. Once you have the photos in mind, it flows quite easily from there. It's true that I make nicer layouts for others than those I make for my album! Took forever to think of a caption but thought the photos showed how nice his eyes are so...

One of my favourite layouts cos it's so bright and cheery and simple. Had alot of fun punching the "ice cream". Look at the sparkly crystalline icy mint green words - looks yummy enough to eat!

Trying my hand at the shabby chic trend which is so popular nowadays. Had alot of fun again splattering white acrylic paint, distressing paper and layering every possible embellishment in my stash!

Ok finally a layout on myself. The first thing I had to do was explain why I said that I am 25 this year hahaha. Arggh, I'm 26, almost! The most tricky part in this layout was the adhesive fabric strip which I pleated into a flower. It was so sticky that my fingers kept gumming together ick.

By the way, all the pics were taken in Italy. Not very obvious right!

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