Sunday, December 4, 2011

Salzburg & Lantau Island

Been abit under the weather lately, not physically though. But enough said about that, here's a couple of 2-page layout that I completed some time back. They're more of my travel pics which I can never ever finish scrapping or putting in albums.

This seems like it was from a different time altogether! Our relatively carefree and energetic days of yore (and it was only 3 years back sigh). Though we only spent a day in Salzburg, I can proudly say that we managed to cover all the major sites and maxed out the one-day tourist card! It's a really gorgeous town, albeit a little touristy. Vienna or Salzburg? Give me Salzburg!

Ok here's our more recent trip to Hong Kong last year. The picture of the 3 guys rounding a bend is my favourite! An unforgettable, soul lifting hike along the undulating ridges of Lantau Island covered in golden grass. It's autumn again in December. This really gives meaning to "on top of the world" and I felt closer to the nature, the earth than I have ever been for a long time. We had the mountains (hills) completely to ourselves. Where else can you find perfect solitude?

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Amazed tt we actually did max out our travel card. we were on a roll that day. however, i'm still a tad irritated that we missed the water tricks palace. sobs