Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Glad that the firm decided to give us the eve off to make it a long weekend. Can't wait for the next one

Our usual annual family dinner went well despite my aunt's maid problems. But, she has four hearty boys to help her so no issues there. While the chicken was roasting, my uncle and I decided to tackle the tree. This year, they decided to buy a nice woodsy live one. Aside from the shedding of pine needles, really like the look and feel of a live Christmas tree! The coordinated baubles and such from Ikea made decorating such a breeze really - everything was up in a jiffy.

Work in progress
Bought the headbands from HK a couple of years back. The santa hats were from goodness knows when.

My mom took this extremely unglam shot with her camera phone but it's reflective of how I felt after too much ham and some wine. Nua-ing on a super comfy beanbag (with Ellie doing the same) watching Michael Buble croon Christmas songs. The only thing missing was a fireplace with a roaring fire!

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