Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hey it's December

We're almost nearing the end of the month and I thought I should at least have one more post before the year ends. I can imagine one of my new year resolutions (again) - be more active at blogging, scrapbooking, documenting my life and thoughts no matter how mundane I regard them to be.

Here's a pic of my Christmas tableau at the extra space behind my desk in the office. Thanks to friends who gifted each model and figurine. The Muji 3D pop-out cards are a big hit seeing how my cubicle mate keeps pilfering it for his desk!

I'm actually looking forward to the end of 2013 with a big breathe of relief. I survived the year. New year is supposed to bring new hopes, new joys and new challenges (mutually exclusive maybe?) and I hope it rings true for everyone.

I feel most alive when I'm immersed in nature. Am looking forward to more adventures in 2014!

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