Stress is accumulating as the pace of lessons accelerates. Coupled with this new online tutoring job I undertook, I feel panic attacks coming up. Have not been studying much cos I've been meeting up with friends who are leaving. This feeble excuse is exhausted as Cui has just left for NY this morning and Des is leaving next week. I'm probably exhausted by everybody's issues too. I thought we have passed the stage of crushes and agony but apparently not.
Then I worry about my heart. Nat Geo reported that many 20 something year olds have clogged arteries. I feel that mine have always been clogged. Die. Considering that our heart pulses 100,000 a day, I'm surprised that it hasn't died out (not that I'm hoping it would). It must be the most powerful "machine" on Earth since it requires no maintenance unlike non-living ones. How ironic that we send our handphones and computers for regular servicing but nobody seems to care a hoot about our hearts.
Was locked out of my house yesterday so I camped at the Central Library. I love the library's spacious and breezy centre air well outside, its comfy couches inside and of course the free wireless network available.
Amish Life - Living Plainly and Serving God opens with a historical narration of these god-fearing, community-centric groups of Americans who eschew modernity for a simple and peaceful life. Hamptons Pleasures is really, the opposite. It describes the beauty of countryside-cum-beach living (many tiny hamlets and villages to explore. Sighhh!).