Saturday, August 18, 2007

Trigger happy

First week of school has been uneventful. Readings have not piled, exhaustion has not sunk in and I'm not sick of law people yet. In fact it was rather pleasant to see my schoolmates especially those who just returned from exchange.

I'm taking a weird mix of modules. European energy law and climate change is taught by this distinguished looking Belgium prof (think George
Clooney); IP law is relaxed for now and quite interesting; Aviation law is very demanding; the prof in IT law is funny so class is bearable and I'm curious to see how Legal Anthropology will be like.

What I miss most about hols is the unrestricted freedom to luxuriate in lazy afternoon sunshine and to read what I like without feeling guilty that I should be reading legal stuff. And what depresses me is that I'll no longer have any long summer holidays.

So I spent the last breezy and sunny day of My Last Long Summer of Fun bumming with friends at
Vivo. We took lots of pics, perhaps unconsciously sensing that such gatherings would be rare in future. Most of us are staring school, Yilynn is working and Des is going to Switzerland.

Lunch was dim sum buffet at Dragon Pearl restaurant - this rather
ulu place tucked in Harbourfront Centre. It was surprisingly crowded with teenagers.

With no plan in mind, we wandered over to
VivoCity which is becoming one of my favourite shopping malls because of its eye-popping variety of shops and the fact that I don't have to squeeze with everybody else. Breathing space in shopping centres is almost unheard of here.

Vivo has this spacious roof top terrace with wading pools, artistic structures and little pockets of turfs. Its layered wooden decks face Sentosa and the sea so it makes a pretty background for photo taking.

Captured a cute "I Love U" pose of
SY, Yilynn and Siying.

These interesting cheese-like sculptures remind me of portholes on a ship!

Lazing on the grass amidst stares...

The food court and restaurants were packed in the evening so we had a "picnic" at the large outdoor amphitheater.

I think we got a little heady under the warm glow of the theater and gentle sea breeze hence the crazy ideas that followed. Somebody suggested taking "pageant pics" so the girls took turns at choreographing. Thinking back, it's kinda embarrassing but I guess we're all less self conscious and aware of public opinion with friends around.

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