Thursday, October 25, 2007

Night school

I'm just glad that we managed to end 15 mins before the midnight surcharge kicked in. Taxi driver and I engaged in a stimulating conversation about company transparency and currency fluctuations (which warrants a little tip).

The school feels pretty safe at night. Block B is overly lit up (even going to the toilet alone is ok), security guards patrol the place and the entrance is locked from the outside after a certain time. The SCARY part was seeing classmates streaming out of classrooms at 10.30 pm after their
piah-ing. Presentation aside, there is no way I will linger in sch till that late.

Here's part of The Group (deep in thought) in our new classrooms (where air-con automatically switches off at 9.15pm, not to save the earth, but faculty funds):

Oh but getting holed up in a classroom together for hours reveals many interesting tidbits about others like how a certain boy school (khaki shorts and epaulet) mandates their students to sing patriotic songs after the national anthem; a JC (voted to have the best uniform) which adopted a line from Robert Browning's poem for its school motto; and people from a certain JC (think of a smelly flower) who remained silent in our playful ribbing.

Fay and I craving for some distraction.

I don't know how she did it but Fay managed to plait a near perfect French braid with a few slick moves! I simply cannot perfect that braid no matter how many times I try (and the amount of hair plucked out in the process). Of course this will not be the last time I enlist her (free) help!

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