Thursday, December 6, 2007

Art Attack

One of the to-dos on my list this hols is to explore Singapore. Admittedly, it's cos I'm not traveling overseas so I've decided to support the local tourism industry instead. Took a short cut through the Esplanade underpass the other day and lo and behold, they had this interesting art installation again. This time, it was created by kids! I'm amazed and pleased that kids here can be so creative.

So the Ms Ongs of the world have not killed all creativity yet. And hearing what JH said, it appears that art teachers here are generally not very forgiving. But looking back, I'm thankful for the rigorous art programme TK put us through. At least we had art classes.

And I can't help remembering the time we stayed at the Esplanade till midnight snapping gazillion pics with gazillion of poses in front of some colourful installation. Public installations is probably one way where arty folks can "reach out" to us plebeians.

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