Monday, December 17, 2007

Tis' the season to reflect and relax

While CNY is redolent of brightness and newness, Christmas radiates a different kind of mood, perhaps more shimmery than bright. If CNY is red, Christmas is blue and silver. I think I like both equally much!

The YAS Christmas party was old-school fun with balloon fights and games like Snap. The only thing missing was the presence of Gill, TR and Carynl (whom I suspect may be enjoying themselves tremendously in Cambodia and Whistler!)

What is a party without balloons?

With hot babe karaoke queen Julia Carolina

YS narrowly escaping Rouen's (wet) kiss

I can't imagine him in court!

Exhausted but satisfied


Anonymous said...

You were right! I was enjoying myself in Whistler! :)

Wai Han said...

Have a Merry White Christmas! Like duh right :o)