Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post-exam burnout

Horribly tired and sleep deprived. I get more rest during the exam period (wake up late + afternoon nap) than now with all the meet ups, tuition, present shopping and to dos on my list.

Got my lazy ass off the sofa and joined a bunch of friends at ECP. For once, the weather was sunny (though I'm not complaining about how the house feels naturally aircon-ed these days ). And even though nearly every patch on the ground was covered by people, it wasn't enough to spoil the beauty of ECP. Or maybe I was in a generous mood and more tolerant of crowds.

I must be the only noob wearing knee guards but considering the possibility of reopening my wound, it was better to be kiasu.

Oh and I finally caught Enchanted! It's one of the nicest Disney movies ever since the demise of 2D animation. A classic happily-ever-after fairy tale with a twist - the real and fairy world collide (remember Who Killed Roger Rabbit?).
Apparently, the movie pays homage to traditional Disney cartoons and songs. I really miss watching old-school Disney cartoons and this is probably the closest I can get to watching one. Enchanted makes me want to cry at both the sad and happy parts and leave the cinema with a sighhhhhhhh.


Anonymous said...

u noob! nice meeting u wwh... meaningful conversations, good company.

Wai Han said...

yeah I had a good time too!