Thursday, January 24, 2008

Foreign treasures

After a few nights of insomnia, I finally had an uninterrupted slumber last night and a dream. Dreamt that I was back in Toronto having dinner with Cui, Andy, Simon and her family. I don't know what my subconscious mind is telling me but I'm certain that I'm not exactly dying to go to Toronto again anytime soon. That aside, I do miss my Canadian experience and it has been labeled "the best summer holiday" in my memory vault.

I am delighted to read in today's Urban that
Poutine has arrived in town! Poutine is a Canadian snack of fries topped with cheese curd and smothered with hot beef gravy. It's the sinful-est snack you can ever eat and it was love at first taste when I bought a bowl in Toronto! Heck my (not very successful) CNY diet. I'm heading to Bugis as soon as I can.

Poutine in Toronto's Eaton Centre

While I still can't believe they have Poutine in Singapore, I'm even more surprised nobody brought in the American cosmetic brand "
ELF". I'm down to my last tube of $0.99 Cherry Tart twist tube ELF lip gloss and having panic attacks because I can't find any replacement. A shop in Parkway which used to sell a pathetically LIMITED range of ELF cosmetics ($5 a tube) does not seem to carry them anymore and I doubt they have the colour I want anyway. Arrgh :(


Anonymous said...

Food!!!! My blog's been dead since the start of school... yawn.

Anonymous said...

I tried it.It is delicious! Utterly sinful, but totally delicious.

Gillian said...

Having tried it for the 3rd time in less than a week, Just looking at the picture makes me puke. Urks

Wai Han said...

ah result of erm.. greed? the Spore version is too salty! must be the cream cheese bits. and it doesn't melt like cheese curds. but the fries are good!