Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gillian's Cocktail Party

There's the Boston Tea Party and there's Gillian's Cocktail Party (Yes, it's GILLIAN'S cocktail party cos she certainly excelled in her efforts to teach us the finer points of bartendering. Not forgetting how we shamelessly depleted her dad's alcohol). Oh well, nobody expected a Friday night party to end up like a Martha Steward cook show but isn't reality TV the fad these days?

Gill's dad operates a tourism/hotel management school so we had a array of equipment conveniently available for us to experiment with. It's really nice of him to allow us to liberally use his stash of alcohol. I have not held a measuring cup in ages!

Nothing beats mixing your own Cosmos and Margaritas and as novices following printed recipes, some of our cocktails turned out pretty weird. I suddenly miss the days of preparing ice blended drinks at Rocky Master!

Gill, TR and I decided to catch the 2 am Cloverfield at Cathy which turned out to be another over-hyped movie. Very disappointing. But thankfully there was enough action to keep as awake throughout the 87 mins. On our walk back, I was rather shocked to see bustling hawker centres at 4 am. I wonder how anybody can stomach steamboat at that hour.

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