Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 1 - Berlin

The Middle East is exactly how I imagine the Middle East to be. Sand, sand and more sand. Even the air feels sandy. We transited at Qatar for an insane 7 hours and relieved our boredom through a mixture of quizzes, snacks and naps.

Qatar airport

Invisible ink book my mom used to buy for us when we were young

Can't live without Pocky!

airplane buns are a cheap alternative

two piggies. seriously Gill and TR spend most of the time sitting and sleeping

"why take such unglam pics!"

flight to Berlin. finally!

We reached Berlin 8 plus at night but summer nights are long so the day is still bright. We wanted to chill at a wine bar but everybody looked intimidatingly dressy so we headed to the playground opposite. It was great fun! The Germans really know how to make a good playground that appeals to deprived adults too.

On the May pole and basket like swings

the merry-go-round!

boing... boing...

.... BOING!

roped in!


Anonymous said...

update again soon!

Anonymous said...

miss ya!

bing said...

hey from budapest

have you finished reading mister pip yet?? it was such a good buy!! thew story is so touching and beautifully written

hearts you!