Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 2 - Berlin

Did not blog during the trip because of a very unfortunate event - TR's backpack got stolen on the night train in Rome. Losses: a laptop, a camera, a pair of specs and sun glasses, Eurorail passes, priceless snapshots and other data etc etc. Bloody hell!

What I remember most distinctly about Berlin was the cloudless sky and relentless sun. It became colder as the days went by. In retrospect, Berlin is also the cheapest place to shop. I just wish we bought more chocs from the supermart there. Speaking of supermarts, Gill's fetish for them meant that we visited more supermarts than H&Ms!

Met ZQ and Kelvin at the lobby of our hostel!

On a street near our hostel. Little traffic even though it was 8 plus in the morn.

Street scenes!

Streets were lined with blooming flowers. Had a typical European breakfast of pastries and sandwiches at a tiny street-side cafe.

Joined the New Berlin Free Tour (you just need to tip the guide) which was a wonderfully informative 3.5hr tour of Berlin. First stop: Brandenburg Gate.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews with its abstract undulating blocks of concrete. Some think they look like tombstones. I feel as if I was walking through underground bunkers.

Somehow it feels a little disrespectful to be fooling around the memorial but think of the picture opportunities!

Berlin Wall: adorned and unadorned. The nondescript wall was quite disappointing really.

Checkpoint Charlie: overly touristy. Museum Island: a cluster of museums. Can't remember the name of the square where the Nazis burned the books.

Berliner Dom: a rather impressive church with a fantastic view from the dome. Note the Fernsehturm "Toothpick" - Germany's tallest TV Tower - at the side.

Garden in front of the Dom. Lovely place to lie and daydream!
Walking around the dome, taking in the Berlin skyline.

Popsicles and a giant pretzel!

The Reichstag - Berlin's parliament house with a futuristic glass dome. There's a platform at the top for you to lie on and peep through the sky light.

Mirrored spiral in the middle of the dome.

Walking down the dome. I think we took pics at every step.

One of my fav pics. Love the way the evening light filters through!

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