Friday, May 2, 2008

Like the good old days

My primary school friends are refreshingly fun! They are constantly amused by my law student anal-ness/kan cheong-ness and think that it's their duty to bring me back to earth. I like that despite their teasing and suaning, the guys are gentlemanly softies at heart (though they'll deny it of course).

Take Ken for example. I used to be intimidated by him cos of, well, his looks. I thought that he was the epitome of the alpha male species. Until he blasted Way Back into Love on the car radio and sang along with me (which accounted for a heart stopping swerve which I caught on video!). Or Mal who insisted that he's not nice cos he doesn't know how to "criticize or compliment myself" -_- I wish that's the only fault I find in guys.

The suppers are making me fattttt... But the fact is it's nicer to chill at night when the heat dissipates (note the word "chill").

my first visit to Chomp Chomp!

the obliging people

the scarily big drink

the yum seng

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