Thursday, May 8, 2008

An hour more to go

Ok some random thoughts before I leave in a couple of hours. Today I went to school for probably one of the last few times ever. I'll miss the 3 cents photocopying service!

Have not met up with Mag :( She didn't reply to my messages either.

Managed to meet up with my law friends though over a very good dim sum at Imperial Treasure.

Nice lighting for once but ZY had to cut Yixian off!

Obviously have not mastered the white balance function on my camera

After dim sum lunch, it was high tea at Marriott with Bing. I simply love the weird jumble of food they serve at high teas!

Spent the evening laughing with Bing over Horrible History books and we ended up buying the same book for our trip (Mr Pip).

These few days have been stressful - last minute planning, last minute packing, unfinished business - it's exams all over again. A sleep deprived me does not feel ready to tour the world. But then when will one ever be ready to travel? That's always stuff to be settled back home so we should just uproot our comfortable asses and GO!

Other bits of the last days of my slacker life: we chilled at Shuxin's house the other day to celebrate the very belated bdays of Yivon and JY.

erm, the many faces of us?

poster girls for Sarpino's

the bday girls

I totally adore the doll we got Yivon!

B&J's never tasted so good when shared...

... and we never felt happier sharing (the calories)!

Oops this is supposed to be Yiwei's surprise bday present but we haven't send it yet I think. Never mind. Here's a teaser for you!

1 comment:

squawks said...

can i have some food too?